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In The Birdcage




We are all Lost in the Supermarket

and we don’t even know it.

For the first time in three years, Ben Frost unleashes his visual delight that is mental torture, on Sydney. Recently returned from his second solo show in New York following exhibitions in London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Singapore, Beijing and San Francisco, Lost in the Supermarket embodies a solidification of the culturally confrontational and wildly irrepressible identity he has garnered over the last decade.

Now represented for the first time in Australia by a commercial gallery, Boutwell Draper in Redfern, Frost finds himself resting, even just for a moment, amongst a stable of distinctive and well-established international artists. This latest move signifying a leap of recognition in this country, from low-brow art rock star to vital sub-cultural art figure.

Ben Frost carries a lusty allegiance amongst his fans, with the enviable ability to tweak the vibe wire and entice the people, silent Pied Piper style, into his world of kaleidoscopic neo pop violence. His recent appearance on the Australian version of US reality series The Apprentice, saw him draw a larger crowd to see his work than any of the other exhibiting artists on the show. Well of course he did, he’s Ben Frost.

In an ironic twist tied carefully between concept and reality, Frost has refined this ability to hypnotise his audience into a world of ferociously poignant assault. A background in performance art would explain this, with his existence within the visual art world becoming one all-encompassing, and frighteningly clever, performance piece that we find ourselves within.

Lost in the Supermarket, a reference to The Clash song, remarks on the over stimulation, confusion and daily hypnosis we are trapped by, as we struggle to stand still on a buzzing psychedelic landscape of brands, identities and social demands.

This is an exhibition of works that both comforts and confronts, as you slide through the hyper reality of Ben Frost’s world and come out the other side dusting off the sensory debris of your over crowded daily life.

Ben Frost has exhibited extensively throughout Europe, the United States and Australia. His work is held in multiple private collections internationally, including television executive Kerry Stokes, as well as public collections including Artbank. He is the co-founder of the online art portal, and was a guest speaker at the 2008 Semi-Permanent and AG IDEAS conferences in Australia. Ben currently lives in Sydney and operates ‘Worlds End Studio’, in Surry Hills.

Boutwell Draper Gallery – 82 George St, Redfern.

Exhibition continues until December 17th.

Via Ben Frost

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